Resistance Fantasies
In her second book of poems, Resistance Fantasies, Diane Thiel
uncovers layers of meaning in the evocative title—from resistance against
regimes and oppression, to explorations of our darker natures, to our inner
trysts with longing and desire. The book continues themes from Thiel's
critically acclaimed Echolocations, connecting the personal with the
historical, language with lineage, and pondering the effects of war on future
generations, but takes us to new physical and emotional terrains—the Black
Sea, the double edge of resistance. Her ear tuned to a full range of formal
and free verse rhythms, Thiel achieves a unique lyrical intensity. Her blend
of myth and history, gravity and humor, passion and compassion, and the
explicit with the suggestive makes Thiel's poetry hard to resist.
— Story
Line Press
Resistance Fantasies is a rich and impressive
collection by one of our most versatile poets: fresh and often startling
poems drawn from a wide spectrum of experience. Diane Thiel is as much at home
in rhymed, metrical verse as in freer forms, some of these latter entirely
original. Though an able translator, sensitive to other cultures, she is very
much her own poet. She refuses to conform to trends (see "Editorial
Suggestive" ), not at all cool and detached but involved in the midst of
life, unafraid to voice the deepest feelings.
— X.
J. Kennedy